FERI Economics Portal

Dear FERI Economics Customer Portal users,

we are pleased to welcome you at the FERI Economics Customer Portal.

The FERI Economics Portal contains as content our country, interest rates and industry reports as well as numerous overview and evaluation tables plus background information. By clicking one of the menu entries you will get access to the results of our macroeconomic and industry analysis, forecasts and evaluations. In our reports in addition to the forecasts you will get substantial background information on the development of a single country or industry in form of short and succint texts.

To access directly time series for single countries and industries as well for using the results of the industry rating in electronic form we have available a powerful software suite, the FERI Data Manager – please do not hesitate to contact us!

In case of questions/wishes/suggestions concerning the FERI Economics Customer Portal, all colleagues of the Economics team are available to you, in particular Mr. Dirk Henninger (Phone: + 49 (0) 6172 916 3050 or email: economics@feri.de).


Your Economics team